Monday, May 4, 2009


Saturday Caden and Isaac were playing on the tramp in the backyard. They had not been out there more than 5 minutes when I hear screaming. Bloody murder screaming. They were playing tackle on the tramp. Isaac went to tackle Caden, he moved and instead of falling on top of Caden, Isaac face planted into a metal bar. They came running in and there was so much blood coming from Isaacs face that I couldn't tell where it was coming from. I ran him upstairs and gave him a cup to rinse and spit. I finally was able to see in his mouth and saw that his gums were MESSED UP. They were swollen and his teeth were shoved into them and the teeth wiggled when you moved them. I called my dentist at home and he met us in his office at 6:15. He told us that Isaac had severed a nerve right above his front teeth and they were for sure loose. He said that he could pull them but he would be at least 4 years with no teeth and recommended trying to save them. He told us to go home while he made some phone calls. He tried to get a CRNA to come to his office but no such luck. He called back later that night and said he couldn't get ahold of anyone and that we needed to go down to Primary Childrens to have it done because he would need to be knocked out. We got up at 4:45 to get to Primary's by 6:30. Surgery was at 8:00. They asked him what flavor of mask he wanted and he chose cherry. I'm sure that he thought they were going to give him some food, not put him to sleep. The anesthesiologist took him from us and off they went. They let him breath through the mask enough to fall asleep and then they put an IV in his foot and put him totally under. They had to put the trach down his nose because they couldn't go down the throat. His nose bled on and off all day because of that. Surgery was about an hour and fifteen minutes and all went well. The repaired the nerve and put some stitches in his gums. They also put a metal bar accrossed six of his teeth to stabilize them. We will go back in about 4-5 weeks and re-sedate him in the office and take the bar off. We are hopeful that this will give him a couple more years with teeth. He started feeling the pain about 5:30 last night and it was so hard for me. I just wanted to cuddle him and never let go. He woke up a few times in the night but we have been staying on top of the motrin so hopefully the pain is manageable for him. He has been better today and seems to be feeling better. Oh, and because we had to be there so early, central admitting was not open yet so we had to check in through the ER which I was NOT happy about. I came in healthy and wanted to leave that way. They asked everyone to put on a mask before entering and use the hand sanitizer because of swine flue but not everyone did. We had to wait in the ER until the time of the surgery because they did not tell our doctor that no one would be in the OR because it was a weekend. It was crazy but all seems to be settling down now


  1. Oh My Heavens, how do you guys plan this stuff? What a sad story! I guess the trampoline net doesn't protect from EVERY injury a couple of boys can manage. Good luck with follow-ups!

  2. Leave it to Issac to get his teeth knocked out by the pole to hold the "safety net" up. He kind of reminds me of me.
