Sunday, September 13, 2009

Caramel Apples

I absolutely LOVE this time of year. I love everything about it. I am very big on doing fall things. Hayrides, picking pumpkins, caramel apples, etc. Last Monday we made caramel apples. We unrapped the Kraft caramels one by one, and melted them on the stove, dipped the apples. The kids bought some sprinkles to put on them, but I did not think that they had to do it ASAP while they were still super hot or they wouldn't stick. So next time we will put on the decorations immediately. The kids had fun though and they were delicious!!!

Blue Diamonds

Caden is playing fall soccer this year. He is really good. He has played forward the entire season because he is so fast and just a little go getter. He is constantly trying to get control of the ball. He has scored 2 out of the 3 goals for his team this year. They haven't won any games yet but they have tied two and lost two. He is having fun and that's all that matters. He is lucky number 7.

The most amazing sight

The other night I was taking some clothes to Isaac's room. I walked passed the window and saw the most amazing sight. The moon was PINK! It was really hazy that day and I guess the smoke somehow made the moon look pink. It was absolutely incredible. I called the whole family outside and called my mom and some friends to go outside and look at it. The pictures do not do it justice.

Up, Up, and Away

I was home with Isaac the other day because his baby sitter Tonja was in Lake Powell. I walked by the window and happened to see a hot air balloon flying by the window. I yelled for Isaac to come see and we went out on the porch and took a picture. A couple minutes later, my friend Tara called. She had seen the balloon too and seen us on our porch looking at it. Her and her son chased it down and then called to see if we wanted to go get a closer look at it landing. She came and grabbed us (jammies and all) and we drove to where it was landing. We got there just as they were taking it down but still got some pictures of it. Isaac thought it was pretty cool.

My sweet Isaac

This picture pretty much sums up my sweet little Isaac. He has ALWAYS had a personality of his own and does things HIS way. I saw this shirt that says "Wanted for being a little rebel". I thought it was pretty funny when I saw that he had come home from Tonja's and he had this shirt on backwards. Proving that he is a little rebel. It was just so funny because he had no idea of the irony of the situation!

Happy birthday to me

I had an awesome birthday! We went out to dinner at Maddox with some friends and then took a road trip to Idaho to buy some lotto tickets. No luck on the power ball but it was still fun to wish and fun to just drive and talk. On the Friday before my birthday, Matt surprised me at work with a balloon bouquet and a dozen gluten free sugar cookies! It was a really nice surprise. Then, on my birthday morning which was Saturday, I had a present on my porch from my friend Jeralee. It was a cute box wrapped like a bed and it was a breakfast in bed. Inside was lot's of yummy gluten free treats for me. It was so nice of her. Around noon, the garage door opened. Matt had come home from work and surprised me again with a dozen chocolate covered strawberries that he had to special order for me. And then the whole family went out to Pier 49 for some awesome gluten free (at least mine was) pizza. It was so wonderful. In addition, I got a whole weekend to be lazy. That is what I asked for was to not do laundry or cook and just be lazy. Watched lots of chick flicks and laid around. Much needed, thanks honey!

Ten things I'm grateful for this week

1. My dad's health improving.
2. Having such a supportive husband when I have a "Celiac meltdown."
3. A new gluten free store opening in Layton!
4. Being able to take a hot shower everyday.
5. Having food in my pantry/fridge/freezer.
6. Caden being accepted to Syracuse Arts Academy.
7. Having enough energy to keep up with my household chores and working full time.
8. Fall on the horizon - it's my favorite time of year!
9. The awesome birthday that I had.
10. Caden surprising me by helping to clean the house.

Thought for the week

"What other people think of you is none of your business."