Monday, April 27, 2009

Laura's New Club's

My new hobby

I got my clubs and we went to go try them out. We took the boys to Toads in North Ogden. We bought two buckets of balls which we hit from the upper deck and then we played a round of mini golf. The kids chose to play indoors since we'd never done that before. It was really cool. It is all prehistoric like dinosaurs, bat caves, volcanos, ruins, etc. We didn't mind since it was about 80 degrees that day. We had tons of fun. The only downside was that my arms were so sore the next day. I will get used to it as I plan on using my clubs a lot this summer.

Picnic at the park

Thursday night we took the kids to the park for a picnic. While I was making sandwiches for everyone - except me, I ate before we went - it started raining so hard and this wind came out of nowhere. However, by the time I finished fixing dinner, it had stopped. We packed up and headed to the park and we were the only ones there. The kids had lots of fun and Matt and I just relaxed. I tried really hard not to freak out when Isaac picked up someone elses sand toys that were left there - germ thing. Yes I realize playgrounds are a germ breeding zone and I need to just let them be kids and have fun. I'm getting better, sort of...

Celiac Disease

Some of you may wonder why I listed gluten free menus as something I'm grateful for. After YEARS of being sick and no one being able to figure out why, I finally had a doctor that knew exactly what was wrong with me. In July of 2008, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. While I was relieved to know that these symptoms were not in my head and that there was relief ahead, in no way did I realize what a long and difficult journey was ahead for me. CD is a digestive disease that damages your small intestines. By the time I was diagnosed, I had severe damage over more than 50% of my intestines. In people who have Celiac, your body thinks that gluten - wheat, rye, barley, and oats, is toxic. Your body blocks the absorption of nutrients from food by damaging and destroying the lining of the small intestine. Because of the inability to absorb nutrients, deficiencies such as iron and calcium occur. By the time I was diagnosed, I had already lost so much calcium that I had the beginning stages of osteoporosis and I have to take medication for it among other things. Because the symptoms of CD are so different, it can mimmick many things. People often go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Some of my symptoms were numbness and tingling in my legs, SEVERE FATIGUE, horrible stomache pains, lot's of dental problems (didn't realize this was a symptom at the time) anemia, weight loss (this was my favorite symptom) just to name a few. CD will not show up on regular blood work as I had done many times. You have to have a Celiac Panel done which tests for about 8 different things. I also had an EGD done with a biopsy to confirm my results. There is no cure for Celiac, except to completely eliminate EVERYTHING from your diet that has wheat, rye, barley, and oats in it. I have a life of constant label checking but I know that if I follow this diet, my intestines will heal and I can start to feel better again. The doc said it will probably take about 2 years but I am hopeful. Some days are easier than others and I for sure have my "I hate Celiac days" but I am learning and working through it and grateful to know what is wrong. You can google more about CD or if you have questions, please ask!

Always kiss me goodnight...

We had a tragedy in the family this past week. Matt's cousin woke up to find that his 7 month old baby had passed away during the night. What a terrible thing to have to go through. I cannot even imagine the pain that this poor family is feeling at this time. Our thoughts and prayers go out to them! It truly makes you realize how things can change in an instant. So many times I tell my kids to go to bed. They are older now and can do these thing on their own. I really need to take the time to realize what precious gifts they are and make an honest effort to tuck them in more often and Always kiss them goodnight.


1. Frozen Lemonade from Hot dog on a stick
2. Isaac not getting hurt worse
3. Picnic at the park with Matt and Boys
4. Having a clean house
5. Spring rain storms
6. Having great health insurance
7. Having a job
8. A roof over my head
9. Restaurants with gluten free menus
10. Mr. Incredible and all that he is


If you can't be nice, be vague!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I am so excited! I got an early mothers day present. Matt got me my very own set of golf clubs. We have a friend who makes them and he agreed to make a set for me. They are custom made specifically for me. Matt spent lot's of time picking out EVERYTHING to make them PRETTY for me. He wanted to make sure that everything matched. My grips, shafts, bag, everything matches. They are so cute I'm not going to want to use them. They are purple with butterflies. We are really excited to start golfing together. I told him that I can't believe that he wants to go golfing with me. Most men go golfing to get away from their wives and he wants to go with me. He told me not to worry that he would still go with his friends to get away from me:) However, he is looking forward to going with me.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Free Counter

Why I'm not going to win any mother of the year awards

This is something that actually happened May 10th, 2007. I wrote it down and came acrossed it the other day. I figure we all need a great laugh now and then so here it is as I wrote it two years ago: Last night after I put Caden to bed, I had to go upstairs for something. I noticed him smacking his lips so I asked him what he was eating. He said chapstick. I said "Caden, are you kidding me?" Why are you eating chapstick. He said "I don't know, because I like it." I told him that could make him sick. Now I'm going to have to take you to the emergency room. Hurry up and get dressed. He hurried and ran down the hall to get his clothes on and starts crying - hysterically. I stopped him to ask why he was crying so hard. He'd been to the hospital lots of times and why was he freaking out? Still sobbing he said "I've done this before and never gotten sick." I was trying so hard not to laugh. He didn't have anything on but his unders at this time. I said "Caden, you have done that before (sigh) that is why your belly button looks like that!" (he has an outie) He looked down at his belly button and then back at me and started crying even harder. I stopped him and told him I was totally just kidding and that I didn't mean to upset him and to quit eating chapstick or I won't buy him anymore. He said ok and wandered back to bed. Who knew? I just thought I would get the usual Nu-uh. I guess you never know what kids will believe. Hope that put a smile on your face!

Out of the mouths of babes

I was standing in front of the fireplace the other day to warm up after work. I needed to go upstairs and check on our dinner. As I was running upstairs, Isaac came chasing after me trying to tickle me. It just so happened that right as he reached to tickle me, I was one step higher than him and he grabbed my butt. He then said "whoa mom you have a hot butt." I laughed out loud even though he had no idea why!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


We took the boys to see the monster trucks a couple months ago. We told them it was sold out so you can imagine their excitement when they realized what we were at the Energy Solutions Arena for. They LOVED every minute. Me, not so much. Next time it will most likely be a boys night out.


So last month we went to my brothers cabin in Island park. After a month of nothing but bad luck, we decided we needed a little get away. We invited some friends of ours who moved to American Falls, Idaho last summer. It was good to get to see them and spend some time together. We had so much fun playing games and laughing so hard we had tears running down our cheeks. They were only able to stay for a short time but it was still great. Me, Matt and the boys went into West Yellowstone and went to the grizzly and wolf discovery center. It was so cool to be walking around outisde and be able to see these beautiful animals out in the open.