Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fireworks and bar-b-que

A couple of weeks ago we had all my family over for a big bar-b-que. It was around the 24th and so we all pitched in and bought a bunch of fireworks. We had a lot of fun especially since my brother was visiting from Oregon. Matt had so much fun lighting the fireworks - little pyro. I think my sister-in-law had just as much fun as he did. We set off a gigantic grand finale. They lined up TONS of fireworks which took four people to light. Surprisingly no one got hurt and it will make for some good memories.

Conception park

Matt's brother is visiting from Arizona and they have been doing lots of activities. Today they went to Perception park and played in the river and had a picnic. Isaac told us last night that he was so excited to go to "conception park." Matt thinks there is probably more truth to that than we know!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The coolest invention EVER

We got a new sectional a couple weeks ago. We bought one last summer and had many problems with it and finally got a replacement one. It's a terribly long story but it for sure had a happy ending. Here is the short version: We bought it from RC Willey but we had to go through the manufacturer for warranty problems, which was Lane. Terrible customer service, terrible couch, terrible everything. Matt finally called RC and told them of the trouble we were having. They sent someone out to look at it and they had a whole list of repairs that should be done. Then they called us and said it would not be worth it because they would basically have to replace the whole thing and to come get a new one and they would match it penny for penny what we paid last summer. We picked one out. Read some consumer reviews and went back and got it. We had our old one gone, our new one delivered, and a check in the mail for the difference within one week! RC Willey gave us fabulous customer service and took care of us so well. They turned a horrible situation into one we couldn't be happier with. There are a few differences in the old and new couch but the main one is that this one has a hide-a-bed which my kids think is AMAZING! They want to sleep on it EVERY night and think it is the coolest thing EVER. Remember when simple things made us so happy?

Five a day

OK so I have decided to do something about all the negativity in the world. My solution is this. Start small. I am going to start a "five a day" program. I am going to start giving at least 5 compliments to 5 different people every day. How awesome is it when you're having a crappy day and someone compliments you? Nice shoes, cute hair, etc. Even a friendly "hello" can make someone's day. So my challenge is this: Start your five a day today! We've been told our whole lives to eat 5 frutis and veggies every day to keep our bodies healthy and strong. But what about our mental health? It is just as important. Be kind, try even complimenting people you may not necessarily like. Let's see what kind of a difference we can make in the lives of others. If any of you are willing to join me in this, please post your comments and let me know how good you feel making others feel good. Ready, set, go!

Ten things I'm grateful for this week

1. Having fun with family visiting this summer.
2. A comfortable bed to sleep in every night.
3. Soldiers fighting for our freedom and the freedom of others.
4. Summer fruits and veggies.
5. Pioneers for all their sacrifices.
6. Wal-mart for stocking a gluten free section - yeah!
7. The smell of fresh cut grass even though it makes me sneeze.
8. Good health.
9. Summer bar-b-ques with friends
10. The beauty of nature all around us.

Thought for the week

Life isn't tied with a bow but it's still a gift!