Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

I wanted to post a couple of homemade recipes for at home beauty treatments. I found one in a magazine years ago and one on the internet a while back. You could make these fun gifts for someone without spending a ton of money or you could just treat yourself. Hope you enjoy! By the way, in the magazine it said that the sugar scrub can cost $80.00 at a salon for a treatment and it's stuff you already have at home!

Sugar scrub
1 cup of sugar
1 cup vegetable or canola oil
ground citrus peel (orange, lemon, etc.)

mix sugar and oil in a bowl. Take the fine side of a cheese grater and rub your citrus fruit on it to get your ground citrus peel. Mix into sugar and oil. Use as much as you want, it just depends how much scent you want. Get in the shower and rub this in a circular motion over DRY skin. Do your arms, legs, feet, everywhere except your face. Then wash it off with the shower and PAT dry with your towel. Be careful because this will make the bottom of your shower very slippery. Wipe out excess scrub so the next person doesn't slip!

Bath salts
1 cup of epsom salt
1 cup of baking soda
2 tablespoons of vegetable glycerin
3 or 4 drops of food coloring
10-20 drops of essential oil

Mix epsom salt and baking soda in a large bowl. Make sure you mix them very good before adding any liquid ingredients. The liquid will make clumps so make sure this is mixed finely. Once you are mixed, add the glycerin, food coloring, and essential oils and stir well. Start with just a few drops of food coloring - if you add too much it can stain skin or the tub. You should have enough when the color is consistent throughout. Best if stored in glass jars but I've used different containers or even cute cellophane bags. Make sure your essential oils are safe for bath products. Don't use anything that is made for candles or other products. If you are looking for aromatherapy, here are some suggestions. Lavender is for calming anxiety, reducing stress and also helps with depression. Rose is also great for stress reduction and can even help eliminate panic attacks. Sandalwood is calming and helps with irritability. Peppermint helps with fatigue and also helps with blood circulation. Chamomile is great for calming.

Notice a pattern here? Everything I've listed is for stress and calming. Maybe I need to make some of this for myself! These are fun and simple ideas so I hope someone can use them. We made both of these for a young women activity and the girls loved it. Enjoy.

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