Sunday, November 7, 2010

What Caden did on his summer vacation

Matt has Monday's off. He took Caden and Isaac to the water slide while I was at work one day. I got a call shortly after lunch that they were coming up to visit me. At first I was excited until I
realized it wasn't a friendly visit. Caden had come down off one of the slides, hit his chin, was knocked out and was lying face down in the pool. Thank goodness Matt was coming down right behind him with Isaac and ran to grab him. He was out for about a minute. Matt had someone grab a towel for the blood and rushed to the hospital because he knew he could get there faster than the time it would take to call an ambulance to get there. He had to get 7 stitches but it could have been so much worse. I'm so grateful for my awesome husband. And now Caden understands why he cannot go swimming with just his friends and no parents. I can only imagine if he was not with an adult this day. This was the before picture and I'm not sure where the after one is.

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