Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's graduation day

Isaac had his pre-school graduation at the end of May. It was so cute and he did such a good job. Miss Tonja had a program and they had speaking parts and sang songs. It started with the pledge of allegiance. I think Isaac truly thinks that "please sit down" are the last three words! He won't believe me that it is not acually part of the pledge - oh well. He is really shy in front of people but did so good. He still has one more year of pre-school so this was more of an advancement program. Tonja's daughter Lindee made a really cute power point presentation with pictures of the kids throughout the year and it had music to it. Talk about bringing tears to your eyes. The first song on it was Let them be little by Billy Dean. I think that is what it's called. Anyway here are some pics of the big day.

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