Monday, June 15, 2009


This past weekend we had 4 days off together. We were going to borrow a friends motorhome and go camping but the weather was supposed to be crappy and even though we would be indoors, we did not want to be stuck inside for 4 days with 2 active boys. So, we decided to stay around here and do fun things. We let the kids stay up late every night, rented movies, let them have sleepovers in each others rooms. The first night we decided to go to Prairie Schooner. We thought they would really enjoy the atmosphere with all the animals, starry skies, and eating in a covered wagon. They loved every minute of it. I'm sure we won't go back for a long time but it was worth it for the memories made. Some other things we did was Hogle zoo, The living planet aquarium, Biaggi's italian restaurant at Gateway, bowling, drove to snow basin (gondola rides don't start for two weeks) and walked around and admired the beauty, went for treats like slurpees and frozen lemonade. Matt works on Saturdays so we never really get to spend a whole day doing fun stuff so we had a great time. I hope that we made some great memories for our children.

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