Sunday, November 15, 2009

Days of our lives at the Love's

It has been a crazy, crazy month at the Love house. Where to start? My dad goes to see a kidney specialist on Tuesday to see what is going on with him. There is a chance that he may need a kidney biopsy to determine if he is in kidney failure. He has had a lot going on lately and we are trying to remain positive and take things one day at a time. My father-in-law had been sick throwing up and having high fevers. He thought he had the flu and decided he better get seen. He went down to the VA hospital and found that he did not have the flu but he had a severe infection in his foot. He has diabetes and cannot feel the bottom of his feet. I guess he injured it somehow and did not know it until the infection was so bad that they had to amputate his foot. The surgery went well. They amputated his leg from about 8 inches below the knee and down. He will need lot's of rehab but they are hopeful that he will adjust well to the prosthetic. My nephew was playing high school foot ball and got a concussion. He had an MRI and the doctor found out that he had a brain tumor. Good thing for the concussion! About a year ago he was kicked in the head by one of their horses and went to the doctor. They did an MRI then and the tumor was present but the radiologist missed it! It is a slow growing tumor and there is a good chance that it is not cancerous but it is still a serious surgery. He will have brain surgery on December 7th. My parents are going to fly to Oregon to be with them. They live about three hours from Portland where he will undergo this procedure. We have said lot's of prayers lately and would appreciate any thrown our way. We are trying to remain positive and know that when you get to the end of your rope, you just need to tie a knot and hold on!

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