Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wishful thinking

I found these pictures of the kids playing in the snow two years ago. We had so much snow. I hope we get a ton more this year and get lots more fun pictures. They went outside twice yesterday and played in the snow which was the first snow of the season. However, Matt had my memory card at work and I could not get any pictures. Check out the fun these two had this day. Brings me back to the days where me and my friends would play outside for hours making igloos with giant buckets and having so much fun. I totally had a flash back the other day of me and my friend Jodi playing in my backyard. I remember it as if it were yesterday. It was almost dark outside and we were making a fort. I still remember the glow of the kitchen lights inside the house and my mom making dinner. She always made homemade chili the first time it snowed every year. She still does but I can't eat it anymore - stupid Celiac! Anyway, this memory made such an impression on me that I almost wished I could go back in time for that day and re-live that afternoon/evening. I remember being young and feeling like I couldn't wait to grow up. Now i wonder why I ever wished that. The moral of the story...take time to enjoy the moment! Make memories, take pictures, and enjoy the journey.

1 comment:

  1. Wishful thinking is right...Lizzy is dying to play in snow. She wants to go ice skating and build a snowman. My heart just aches each time she brings it up because I want her to live in a place where she can see snow more than just on a quick trip.
    Your pictures look like so much fun. I will not be showing them to Lizzy.
