Sunday, November 15, 2009

Veterans day

Caden did a really cute program at school for Veterans Day. The school invited a bunch of Veterans and they had them sit on the stage. They asked each of them to stand, share their name and where they served. It was amazing to see people that had been in World War 2 and people that had just barely been in for a year. They did a presentation about the flag and read the importance of why it is folded a certain way and what each fold means. They also had a new flag. One of the teachers there is serving in Afghanistan and she sent them a flag that had been flown in an F-16 during Iraqi freedom. They also sang a couple of songs and did sign language to one called "Thank a vet." I made a bunch of signs as part of my volunteer hours for the school and they were handed out to each of the vets along with a thank you note from a student attached to the back. We invited our neighbor Dana who is in the Air force to come and it was really a nice event and I hope all who came felt that they were honored and that we appreciate the sacrifices they have made in behalf of others. We need to all remember that freedom is not free and Thank a Vet.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it was a wonderful program. I always get choked up when I see soldiers or vets. We had a Vetrans Day parade here in Yuma and I cried every time a group passed by with the American flag. Most of those watching the parade stood up when the flag past. I had Lizzy and Ben stand with their hands on their hearts. I'm just so grateful for our freedoms and those who have made it possible. Freedom isn't free.
