Sunday, January 31, 2010

Daddy Daycare

Last Monday I came home from work to find Matt asleep on the upstairs couch. He does not work on Monday's so he is home with Isaac. I woke him up to ask where Isaac was because it was eerily quiet. He woke up shocked that he had fallen asleep and acted like it just barely happened and that Isaac was watching a show downstairs. I went down to say hi to him and found him asleep as well. He had climbed under the blanket and went to sleep. It's a good thing that he went to sleep and wasn't trying to paint by himself or something crazy like that. Unfortunately I had to wake him up because it was way too late in the day for him to be napping if he was still going to go to bed at 8:30 that night. I made daddy wake up too. Don't think he should make a career of babysitting.

It's been 10 whole years!

On January 19th, Caden turned 10 years old! I cannot believe how fast those years went by. I can still remember shortly after delivering him and being so emotional trying to figure our how to be a mom for the first time. I actually remember thinking "I am stuck taking care of this kid for the next 18 plus years" I was freaking out. Maybe at the time all I could think about was the crying and the neediness and not knowing how I was going to be able to do it. And then the maternity leave was over and I was crying again only this time thinking "how am I ever going to be able to leave this sweet baby with someone else to care for?" It's amazing how quickly you are able to adapt. I only wish that I could remember every little detail of these last ten years. So much has happened and all I want now is for my kids to stay little. Ironically it scares the crap out of me to think that they are growing up and I WON'T be able to take care of them forever. Right now I don't want any more kids, but I don't want mine to grow up either. I want to keep them just how they are right now and protect them and love them and always have them in my home and in my care. Isaac start's school this fall and I am DREADING that first day of kindergarten already. I don't know how I am ever going to handle it when they leave home. Let's not think about right now...

The popular crowd

Matt was laying on our couch and we were watching T.V. After just a few short minutes, Isaac went over to lay next to Matt. A couple minutes after that (I'm surprised it took that long actually) Caden went and got on the couch. Then, even the dog left me and went over to the couch. Everyone wanted to be with Matt. So there they were all four of them on the couch and I was across the room. I swear I showered that day...

Ten things I'm grateful for this week

1. Getting a pulse oximeter machine so I can check Caden's oxygen level at home.
2. Homemade gluten free bread.
3. Getting a whole nights sleep - well almost.
4. A cozy fireplace I can warm up with whenever I want.
5. Getting my volunteer hours turned in at Caden's school.
6. My own home to clean even though I complain about it.
7. An amazing babysitter who is more like family than a daycare provider.
8. Matt making dinner on Saturday.
9. Living close to my doctor's office.
10. My kids growing up close to their grandparents because I never had that chance.

Thought for the week

Keep your words sweet in case you have to eat them!

Best Buddies

Even though they drive me crazy when they fight, Caden and Isaac really are great friends. The other day Caden was playing his PSP and Isaac was laying on his back watching him. I had to get some pictures because it was so cute. Caden was telling Isaac maybe he will get a PSP for Christmas and then they can play together. Isaac turned to Matt and said "Dad, how do you spell PSP?" FUNNY. Matt said just like that. Isaac did not believe him and we all got a great laugh out of it.

Lazy or creative?

The other night I told Isaac to go put his toys away. I came back down and found that he had stuck a whole bunch of toys inside this ball. That way he didn't have to make a bunch of trips. He even tied a big piece of yarn to it and was dragging it. I didn't get picture of that because I knew he would run or he would hide. This kid is always keeping me on my toes for sure.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Better late than never Christmas photo's

I have been so lazy getting these pictures posted for some reason. We had an interesting Christmas this year. We had 13 days of non stop sickness. Every single night one of us was throwing up. It was ridiculous. Christmas Eve was the first night in weeks that none of us were sick. Had a short break for less than a week and then Caden got croup. He get's that a lot so no big deal. But then his asthma kicked into high gear which quickly turned to pneumonia. So, three rounds of steroids, two different antibiotics, and daily breathing treatments/inhaler and we are still not better. He has had a hard time this year especially with the crappy air we've had. He seemed to be getting better but now that we are done with the meds, I'm afraid it might be coming back. It's too bad because he has been really well controlled up until this year. Despite the illness and lack of sleep, we had a good Christmas. I had a "slight" nervous breakdown. It's amazing what lack of sleep, not eating, sick kids, and Christmas stress will do to you. Ok so not really a nervous breakdown but all you women out there know those times when you cry and don't know why you're crying. That is pretty much what happened. Thank goodness for good friends who let you cry and don't look at you like you're stupid. I was strong though and held it together for my kids. It was a very magical Christmas. Every single present they were excited about. Especially Isaac. For those of you who are on my facebook, I posted a hilarious video of him. If you have not seen it, let me know and I will e-mail the link to you. Isaac was passed a present and very loudly said "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" We were laughing so hard we couldn't discipline him. Out of the mouths of babes!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Ok so something has really been bugging me lately. Maybe if I blog about it and get it off my chest I will feel better. Well probably not but at least I will have made my peace. Why do people think that it is ok to lick things and then give them to you? OOOH I hate it. People will come into work to make a payment and think they have to lick their fingers between each and every single dollar bill. #1 What makes you think I want to touch your spit? #2 Have you really ever thought about where that money that you are licking has been? Am I the only person who realizes how DIRTY money is? Stop for a second to think about that question. If you cannot come up with any examples on your own, let me know and I will tell you several "places" that money could have been. I even had someone licking between each credit card to find the right one. WTH? Even papers bug me. Here let me lick this and then you can have it when I'm done slobbering all over it. If you are one of these people who do this, I am sorry. This was not meant to offend anyone but rather to make you think. Maybe the next time one goes to do this they will remember my post and think "does this person really want to touch my spit?" If I can get at least one person to stop this bad habit, I have succeeded. People please. Enough of the licking!

New Years Resolutions

This is the time of year that is all about change. I decided this year that instead of making some ridiculously impossible resolutions that I would keep it simple. I am making small resolutions that I think (or at least I hope) I can actually accomplish. Here they are in no particular order:
1. Take more chances. I am such a cautious "what if" person and I need to get over it and enjoy everything life has to offer.
2. Worry less. There are so many things out of our control and I need to learn to have more faith and to be more optimistic.
3. Take a yoga class - or do yoga on the Wii. It depends on how NYR #1 is going! I have heard this has so many benefits both physically and mentally. I think it would be good "me" time.
4. Make more "me" time. Quit feeling guilty about wanting to do things for myself and realize it is ok to re-charge myself.
5. Simplify my life. Try and find ways to better balance working full time and being a wife, mom, chef, housekeeper, etc.
6. No more Web MD for me! These are terrible websites for people like me. I am constantly looking up symptoms and diagnosing myself! This is not healthy and goes back to my "quit worrying" resolution. It has been hard but I have not googled anything health related for weeks. Go me!

Ten things I'm grateful for this week:

1. Colton's tumor being non cancerous.
2. Being able to relax in a hot bath.
3. Having a lazy day.
4. Spending time with my family.
5. Laying down in a soft bed every night.
6. A husband who loves and takes care of me.
7. Laughing with friends.
8. Gluten free pizza from pier 49.
9. Fast acting inhalers for Caden's asthma.
10. The promise of a storm to clear this crappy air.

Thought for the week:

It is love that makes the impossible possible.