Monday, January 25, 2010

Better late than never Christmas photo's

I have been so lazy getting these pictures posted for some reason. We had an interesting Christmas this year. We had 13 days of non stop sickness. Every single night one of us was throwing up. It was ridiculous. Christmas Eve was the first night in weeks that none of us were sick. Had a short break for less than a week and then Caden got croup. He get's that a lot so no big deal. But then his asthma kicked into high gear which quickly turned to pneumonia. So, three rounds of steroids, two different antibiotics, and daily breathing treatments/inhaler and we are still not better. He has had a hard time this year especially with the crappy air we've had. He seemed to be getting better but now that we are done with the meds, I'm afraid it might be coming back. It's too bad because he has been really well controlled up until this year. Despite the illness and lack of sleep, we had a good Christmas. I had a "slight" nervous breakdown. It's amazing what lack of sleep, not eating, sick kids, and Christmas stress will do to you. Ok so not really a nervous breakdown but all you women out there know those times when you cry and don't know why you're crying. That is pretty much what happened. Thank goodness for good friends who let you cry and don't look at you like you're stupid. I was strong though and held it together for my kids. It was a very magical Christmas. Every single present they were excited about. Especially Isaac. For those of you who are on my facebook, I posted a hilarious video of him. If you have not seen it, let me know and I will e-mail the link to you. Isaac was passed a present and very loudly said "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" We were laughing so hard we couldn't discipline him. Out of the mouths of babes!

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