Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Years Resolutions

This is the time of year that is all about change. I decided this year that instead of making some ridiculously impossible resolutions that I would keep it simple. I am making small resolutions that I think (or at least I hope) I can actually accomplish. Here they are in no particular order:
1. Take more chances. I am such a cautious "what if" person and I need to get over it and enjoy everything life has to offer.
2. Worry less. There are so many things out of our control and I need to learn to have more faith and to be more optimistic.
3. Take a yoga class - or do yoga on the Wii. It depends on how NYR #1 is going! I have heard this has so many benefits both physically and mentally. I think it would be good "me" time.
4. Make more "me" time. Quit feeling guilty about wanting to do things for myself and realize it is ok to re-charge myself.
5. Simplify my life. Try and find ways to better balance working full time and being a wife, mom, chef, housekeeper, etc.
6. No more Web MD for me! These are terrible websites for people like me. I am constantly looking up symptoms and diagnosing myself! This is not healthy and goes back to my "quit worrying" resolution. It has been hard but I have not googled anything health related for weeks. Go me!

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