Sunday, January 17, 2010


Ok so something has really been bugging me lately. Maybe if I blog about it and get it off my chest I will feel better. Well probably not but at least I will have made my peace. Why do people think that it is ok to lick things and then give them to you? OOOH I hate it. People will come into work to make a payment and think they have to lick their fingers between each and every single dollar bill. #1 What makes you think I want to touch your spit? #2 Have you really ever thought about where that money that you are licking has been? Am I the only person who realizes how DIRTY money is? Stop for a second to think about that question. If you cannot come up with any examples on your own, let me know and I will tell you several "places" that money could have been. I even had someone licking between each credit card to find the right one. WTH? Even papers bug me. Here let me lick this and then you can have it when I'm done slobbering all over it. If you are one of these people who do this, I am sorry. This was not meant to offend anyone but rather to make you think. Maybe the next time one goes to do this they will remember my post and think "does this person really want to touch my spit?" If I can get at least one person to stop this bad habit, I have succeeded. People please. Enough of the licking!

1 comment:

  1. So I guess I shouldn't tell you that Lizzy is addicted to licking things! stair railings, quarters, dolls, doors. It is DISGUSTING!! I need you to tell her to stop because she won't listen to me but she might listen to you.
